Noise survey
Is your workplace noise survey or noise assessment up to date?
Work Health Professionals have WA Approved Noise Officers dedicated to helping organisations operating within Perth and WA best manage their risk of noise exposure in the workplace.
Everyone is susceptible to Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) when workplace noise is above LAeq85dB. This is why WorkSafe WA and the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) requires noise in the workplace to be treated as any other workplace hazard.
Noise legislation – WA
In Western Australia, legislation sets a workplace exposure standard of 85 dB(A) averaged over an eight hour period, or a peak noise level of 140 dB(C). Where these values are exceeded, all practicable measures must be taken to reduce the noise level by engineering noise control. Failing this, ways must be explored to reduce the exposure time by half for every 3 dB the level is above the exposure standard.

Our “Approved Noise Officers” have been approved by the State Mining Engineer, Resources Safety Division of the Department of Mines and Petroleum, as competent to carry out noise assessments to AS/NZS 1269.1 : Occupational noise management – Measurement and assessment of noise emmission and exposure.
An employer must quantify any noise hazard, through a workplace Noise Survey and adopt a noise management strategy which includes implementing the hierarchy of controls, and may also include audiometric testing for compliance and importantly risk management as part of health surveillance program.
Find out how often you are required to do a noise survey or noise assessment
What is involved in a noise survey?
Workplace noise levels are usually measured using a sound level meter. The meter responds to the pressure changes of the noise producing a sound pressure level. When the noise level varies, an integrating sound level meter will provide the average.
Personal daily noise exposures can be measured by small noise exposure meters (also called dosimeters) carried on the person throughout the day.
Our Approved Noise Officers can conduct a WorkSafe or DMP Noise Survey to help you identify workers who require audiometric testing, the personal hearing protection they should be using and the noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) hazards in their environment that require risk management.